674 Nowra Road, Moss Vale, NSW 2577 AUSTRALIA

Highlands centre for Healing

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In the breathtaking expanses of the NSW Southern Highlands, a refuge and sanctuary awaits those in pursuit of profound connection: Highlands Centre for Healing. The perfect place for all who seek a holistic approach to health and wellness.
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+61 411 623 479

‘Eureka Pines’, 674 Nowra Road,
MOSS VALE NSW 2577, Australia
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Equine Therapy

Equine Therapy ~ Healing with Soo

It’s not what’s wrong with you, it’s what happened TO you

Do you want to break free?

From the stress, the overwhelm, the anxiety …

From the exhaustion of living in the ongoing cycles that keep you trapped in a life you don’t love …

Or maybe you feel you are slowly drowning under the burden of life’s everyday challenges; caught up in fears, doubts, guilt and shame?


Sometimes you find yourself dreaming of that calm, confident, authentic woman you know is hiding deep within, the one who loves herself inside and out. She’s the one who understands the importance of putting herself first at times – that it’s not selfish but self-nurturing.

And maybe you have some understanding of how our past traumas and life experiences shape who we become … and how possible it is to re-create ourselves when we decide it’s time to let go of what is holding us back, weighing us down.

It’s time to find clarity … to reconnect with yourself in a non-judgemental, supportive space.

“I’m passionate about helping you find your authentic self, live without stress, anxiety, fears and doubts. Equine facilitated therapy is a powerful and beautiful way to support women’s wellbeing.”

I Understand!

Believe me when I say I can completely relate to where you’re at.

I spent many years feeling drained from living in a spiral of stress, really not liking myself very much and using repetitive coping behaviours like chocolate and wine to get through … and when things got really bad, cigarettes too.

I had heard about trauma, and trapped emotions … but had no idea how I could be impacted from seemingly trivial events (and some bigger ones too!)

I’ve spent the past decade immersing myself in the field of holistic healing and alternative therapies, my purpose now is to help others feel better.

Having experienced the benefits of equine therapy personally, and having a keen interest in women’s wellbeing, it has been a natural step for me into the world of equine facilitated therapy.

Your Future...

Do you ever wonder where you’ll be in five, ten years time?

Will you still be stuck in the same patterns, living a life of loneliness and unhappiness because of low self-esteem, confidence issues and a lack of trust in yourself?

Knowing that at some point in the past you had the option to find change.

. . .

Please don’t let that happen …


I know from personal experience that change is both real and possible.

That healing traumas can change behaviours, thoughts and the things you attract into your life. 

Which allows you to start loving yourself and create the life of your dreams. 

(You may not even be aware of what has been traumatic for you!)

It starts with giving yourself permission to start on the journey.

I’ve created a program to support women like you in creating a positive, expansive life, knowing – and loving – who you truly are. I’ve witnessed the benefits of equine therapy personally and in clients for over a decade. I’d love to support you.”




A Transformative Journey For Women

For over a decade I’ve been supporting Women just like you create positive change through working alongside my horses. I’m a trauma-trained somatic practitioner who has immersed myself deeply in the transformative power of alternative therapies. All sessions are tailored to the present needs of my client. s


What Women Just Like You Say About Embracing Authenticity

I highly recommend the EMBRACING AUTHENTICITY program.

Soo and her amazing herd and property provided the uplifting change and safe space I needed.

Soo leads you out of your mind and into your body, so your spirit can take it’s place back in the top position and you can become your true self again.

Mind, body and soul connect so you find your authentic self.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

Soo generously provides non-judgemental acceptance genuine care and support, no matter your concerns.

I was scared, sad and overwhelmed. Since completing the program I feel stronger and have improved self-love, which is having a positive effect on my wellbeing.

I recommend this program to anyone! If you love horses or nature, then this is the healing space for you.


August 2023

I came for Equine Therapy, which was incredibly healing.

Soo’s calm energy made me feel safe and comfortable from the go get. She held safe space for me and gently guided me through the process.

The horses were amazing and mirrored though their movements, actions and funny antics what was going on inside of me, thus helping me to tap into my body, heart, emotions and higher wisdom.

I was able to release old trauma/ patterns and it gave me great insight in how to move forward from a season of depression and feeling stuck.

This is the best thing I have done for myself in a long time! I feel lighter, more grounded, more connected to nature and my higher self, and energised to go and share my own unique gifts.


January 2023

An incredible experience under the healing guidance of Soo Woods.

Feeling very encouraged as I walk deeper into my personal wholeness journey. The exceptional healing gifts Soo & the beautiful therapy horses share is focused on learning how to release trapped emotions and staying very present in the body.

Loving this powerful lady and her work.

Highly recommend.


March 2023

Soo and the horses are amazing healers.

I went to Soo to participate in some Equine Therapy sessions as an alternative to seeing a psychologist and after the first session I knew I had chosen the right avenue to help with my anxiety, stress and particularly some past trauma. I felt very safe with Soo and the herd.

As the first session was so enlightening I had wondered what the following five weeks would bring up, if anything. I was surprised at what did arise and was very grateful to Soo and the herd for giving me some tools and practices to take home and which I am still using to manage my stress and anxiety.

I would thoroughly recommend the Highlands Centre for Healing to anyone who needs to let go of anything that is holding them back from living a more fulfilled and peaceful life.


May 2024

I'd love to help you find your Authentic Self

Nothing gives me more joy than supporting others on their journey to wholeness.


  • Discover why you are who you are
  • Heal the root-cause of underlying distress and dis-ease
  • Learn how to support yourself moving forward. 
  • Get expert guidance on health, wellbeing and equine experiences
  • Step into a life that you love; one that you thought was out of your reach
  • Experience private sessions or a wellness retreat that makes you buzz with aliveness and gratitude