674 Nowra Road, Moss Vale, NSW 2577 AUSTRALIA

Highlands centre for Healing

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In the breathtaking expanses of the NSW Southern Highlands, a refuge and sanctuary awaits those in pursuit of profound connection: Highlands Centre for Healing. The perfect place for all who seek a holistic approach to health and wellness.
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‘Eureka Pines’, 674 Nowra Road,
MOSS VALE NSW 2577, Australia
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A fond Adieu to Dom, my soul partner
How sensitive are horses to your energy and mood
Perhaps the relentless barrage of tumultuous life events and losses I’ve experienced has hardened me …
… Or perhaps there has been healing of childhood wounds and the learning to live in the moment, as animals do, with #love, #compassion and #gratitude.
It surprises me greatly, but I haven’t been gripped by obvious #grief since Dom’s passing a week ago.
I have had waves of sadness that come and go, and I certainly sobbed from the level of my soul before his body left this physical plane.
But I am reminded again and again of how blessed and fortunate I was to walk alongside him in this lifetime, to learn with him and from him, to experience him – again – for we have been together before, and I know we will be again.
So many times over the years I have been utterly present with him. I have drawn deep breath in a moment and embodied the gratitude for the time we were sharing. There has been a knowing that we would part company on the earthly plane at some stage, and thus more onus on the importance of being present. Really, truly present.
Through all of this, perhaps I have ‘pre-grieved’ in a healthy, balanced and complete way. It has been the losses of all those before who have taught me this.
Grief embraces each of us at an individual level and, as for all emotions, there is no right or wrong way to experience it. For some it lingers for weeks, months, years. And for others, like me, it is a fleeting visit – this time, at least!
I have so many beautiful memories of our life together, so many photos to look at. But in reality, all I need do is close my eyes to re-engage with his glorious and masterful presence.
Dom, I cherish you. I have always worshipped you. I adore you. And I am so deeply grateful and honoured that you chose to walk with me again in this lifetime. I have loved you more than life itself. I can’t wait for our next embodied experience.
[Originally published 10 Oct 2021]

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Experience the healing power of horses in the Southern Highlands of Australia

The healing power of horses is undeniably remarkable. Through equine therapy, individuals find a unique, peaceful connection with these majestic animals, leading to significant emotional and psychological benefits. From boosting self-esteem and managing anxiety to fostering social skills and aiding in the treatment of more complex mental health disorders, the therapeutic effects of interacting with horses are profound and multifaceted.

Horses are amazing at supporting us through grief. They are Masters at holding space and they show us how to live in the moment, fully present. 

If you’re intrigued by the potential of these therapeutic interactions and want to experience the transformative power of horses firsthand, we invite you to explore our wellness retreats and equine therapy sessions. Discover how you can harness the therapeutic power of horses to foster a deeper connection with yourself and those around you.  This will support you through periods of grief you may experience.


About the Highlands Centre for Healing

We offer holistic wellbeing for mind, body and soul bringing together a range of alternative, complementary wellbeing practices united by one single intention – to help you heal and find wellness. Join us for community or corporate group programs, workshops and retreats, or private equine therapy experiences.