674 Nowra Road, Moss Vale, NSW 2577 AUSTRALIA

Highlands centre for Healing

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In the breathtaking expanses of the NSW Southern Highlands, a refuge and sanctuary awaits those in pursuit of profound connection: Highlands Centre for Healing. The perfect place for all who seek a holistic approach to health and wellness.
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+61 411 623 479

‘Eureka Pines’, 674 Nowra Road,
MOSS VALE NSW 2577, Australia
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How trapped emotions shape how you show up
How sensitive are horses to your energy and mood

Our bodies hold sensations from our past

She stands with her hands in her pockets to shield them from the cold, and wears a navy blue beanie. She watches her friend who is sitting on the sand, deep in conversation, with a large brown horse who is lying down beside her.

When asked how she feels, she responds “I’m jealous.” And the question is posed “but what’s the sensation in the body?”

You see, jealousy is a brain word. Jealousy describes sensations that we feel in the body, and based on life experiences we have learned to apply certain words to various sensations.

But what is that sensation? Without her describing to me by way of shape, colour, movement, size etc, I have no way of understanding what she is experiencing. Nobody else can ever know what is going on inside of us at any given moment.

We are all shaped through life experiences

At some time prior, this person has had at least one experience where the same sensations in the body have arisen. And for whatever reasons, at that time it was not safe for the energy of this sensation to be fully expressed, allowed to run to completion. At that time she was thrown into a state of overwhelm, an inability to cope. And so here the sensation presents again, offering the opportunity for full release – and healing.

Releasing what we no longer need to hang onto

As I have done in hundreds of prior sessions as a trauma-informed somatic practitioner, we work with and release this trapped energy, this residue of ‘jealousy’, and the person is then asked again “So how do you now feel?” The response that comes is very different from before. “It is beautiful, it is amazing, my friend has this magical connection with horses”. There is no trace of jealousy in her voice; her body language, her facial expression have all changed to those of wonder and compassion.

Trapped E-Motions

We are so shaped by our society, by our life experiences and by the people around us at different stages of development that we end up being weighed down by many, many trapped energies. They can dramatically affect how we show up in the world. They sit in our body, our subconscious, until such time as we choose to explore and release them. They are the cause of repeat situations in life, repeat difficult/challenging situations where they show up in an attempt to be felt, to be heard and to be allowed to run to completion.

In his now famous book ‘The Body Keeps The Score’, Bessen van der Kolk speaks of how overwhelming experiences (aka traumas) affect the development of brain, mind and body, and how the residue of unfinished energetic imprints get stuck in the physical body until we are able to process and release them.

What about you?

What patterns in life do you carry? Do you feel anxious but you don’t really know why? Do you feel overly sad at inappropriate times? What if overwhelm hits and you just don’t know which way to turn, what to do, next step to take.

Once we become aware that healing is possible, we can learn how to embrace trapped energies, we can learn how to listen to what our body is saying to us.

With appropriate support, we can explore and heal naturally, without medication, which realistically only acts as a band-aid, suppressing and numbing.  Do you really want to feel numb, or be numbed? Do you want to present to the world as someone not true to yourself?

Are you truly YOU? Or are you ready to experience a vibrant aliveness that allows your true self, your soul, to express authentically?

Non-judgemental, safe space

Our Equine Therapy provides a non-judgmental space where participants can work through their issues with the supportive presence of a trauma-trained somatic practitioner as well as the horses.  It’s the perfect complementary approach to more traditional therapy modalities.

Related articles:

The Many Benefits of Spiritual Retreats and Holistic Healing

Healing Power of Nature – Meaning

What Is Somatic Therapy? – Guide

How to Deal With Your Emotional Trauma Triggers

Experience the healing power of horses in the Southern Highlands of Australia

The healing power of horses is undeniably remarkable. Through somatic-based equine therapy, individuals find a unique, peaceful connection with these majestic animals, leading to significant emotional and psychological benefits. From boosting self-esteem and managing anxiety to fostering social skills and aiding in the treatment of more complex mental health disorders, the therapeutic effects of interacting with horses are profound and multifaceted.

If you’re intrigued by the potential of these therapeutic interactions and want to experience the transformative power of horses firsthand, we invite you to explore our wellness retreats and equine therapy sessions. Discover how you can harness the therapeutic power of horses to foster a deeper connection with yourself and those around you. 


I went to Soo to participate in some Equine Therapy sessions as an alternative to seeing a psychologist and after the first session I knew I had chosen the right avenue to help with my anxiety, stress and particularly some past trauma. I felt very safe with Soo and the herd. As the first session was so enlightening I had wondered what the following five weeks would bring up, if anything. I was surprised at what did arise and was very grateful to Soo and the herd for giving me some tools and practices to take home and which I am still using to manage daily life. I would thoroughly recommend HCFH to anyone who needs to let go of anything that is holding them back from living a more fulfilled and peaceful life. Soo and the horses are amazing healers.



About the Highlands Centre for Healing

We offer holistic wellbeing for mind, body and soul bringing together a range of alternative, complementary wellbeing practices united by one single intention – to help you heal and find wellness.

Join us for wellness Retreats and workshops, or private equine therapy experiences.